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Marcia Crossley- Cohen


Ms. Crossley is a Full Lifetime Member and past examiner of The Canadian Dance Teachers of Canada.  She trained with Mildred Wickson before continuing on full scholorship from Celia Franca at The National Ballet School.


After dancing many years as first soloist with the Toronto Regional ballet, under the artistic direction of Mdm. Diana Jablakova-Vorps, she toured both Canada and U. S.  and received several  offers, including Arnold Spohr to dance in Winnipeg and Doug Watts to perform Giselle with Mississippi State Ballet.  After dancing with the Boston Ballet under director Virginia Williams she decided to share her love of music and dance and acquired knowledge of technique by teaching.


Some Reviews of Ms. Crossley include:  Today Magazine, New York.. "Miss Crossley of the Toronto Ballet was magnificent in her co-ordinated precision and elegance.". Michael Bouche.  The Globe & Mail:  Marcia Crossley is lean, lithe and very dramatic.  Her great strength is her lyrical arm movements and ability to execute difficult partnering with perfect precision." Barbara Gayle Rose.   


This is her fourth year teaching at The Bayview School of the Arts.  " The students here are a joy to teach as I have witnessed their improvement, artistic development and growing love and dedication to the Dance.  The discipline and attention to detail will carry over to all aspects and endeavors of their life!" M. Crossley-Cohen. 


Dance diploma at Ryerson University. 

Certified Personal Trainer, Hiphop, Modern Dancer

Teacher at O'Neil C.V.I, David SUzuki School of Arts, CLause Watson School of Arts, Eastdale, footnotes dance academy, Front and Centre Dance, Youth SHelters, YMCA. 



York University Bachelor of Fine Arts Specialized Honours in Dance

Ballet Examinations:

Performing Arts Educators of Canada (PAEC) - Advanced, Highly Commended


2017-2018    Dance Department Fund Scholarship, York University

Dance Instructor:

Teaching recreational and competitive ballet, contemporary, jazz and hip hop to dancers between the ages of 3 years old to adult.



Lola Graduates from the National Ballet School of Havana in 2017.

She worked in the dance company of the university and danced jazz, Mexican folklore, Latin rhythms, contemporary and ballet.

She is teaching recreational and competitive ballet, contemporary, jazz, hip hop and rhythmic  gymnastics to dancers between the ages of 3 years old to adult.

Renta: I have been dancing since I was 5 years old and It has always been my passion. I graduate Karpov Ballet Academy and during my studies have been teaching ballet and jazz at the studio that inspired me. After graduating from their academy I decided that to share my experience and knowledge of dance with others. Throughout the years of competitive dance, I realized it is more than just fun, it is a commitment that has many mental and physical benefits. I hope to inspire and teach children and adult of all ages the benefits of dance while I am here teaching at this studio. 


华Yoyo 老师

* 2004年开始学习瑜伽,2008年获印度Kaivalyadhams Lonavla 瑜伽研究学院瑜伽教师资格认证。2014年在The Yoga Sanctuary完成瑜伽联盟认证的250小时Evolving Spirit Yoga Teacher Training certification培训,并获得了资格证书。

* 热爱古典舞,现代舞,舞台表演经验丰富,有多年成人舞蹈和教学经验。

教学特点: 认真细腻,注重循序渐进地过程,强调习练的安全性和有效性。用带着爱的教学把瑜伽和舞蹈的智慧和美好与他人分享,乐于沟通,善于倾听。带着热忱、决心、辨别力、信念、勇气来坚持学习吧!Namaste

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